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● Live • 5:27 PM

Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? 1M users watching live
............................ (ꐦ'_') 🗯 !?
hii~ i’m mickey !! i’m 13 y/o, i use they/them pronouns :D i’m questioning and genderless ១ i speak eng/esp! i'm a ♐ sagittarius, INFP
.BYF.im inactive a lot, i randomly go inactive, minor, secret alt acc ;), i try not to be dry, i might leave convos if theres nothing to talk about |
.DFI. racist, matches my dislikes list, lgbtq+ hater, hates on people for their religion, forces religion on others, weird old men |

≡ I Love Them
.MOST IMPORTANT. my gf ១ sunghoon ១ lana del rey ១ melanie martinez
.૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა♡. my friends ១ lana del rey ១ hyunjin ១ stray kids ១ blackpink ១ twice
.OTHERS. sulli, yunjin, juicyfruitsnacks, paige hyland, chloe lukasiah
Likes ✅
my gf, my friends, hyunjin, jeongin, yunjin, seulgi, haewon, orange chicken, staying home, being in pjs

Dislikes ❌
racists, sexists, lgbtq+ haters, toxic stans, drama starters, nwjns, sj, the boys at my school